Hayden Falzon Logo white

Hayden Falzon






A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but that is oft times better than a master of one.


Creative Writing

15 years practicing


13 years practicing

Substance Suite

6 years practicing


4 years practicing


3 years practicing


7 years practicing


6 years practicing


4 years practicing


2 years practicing


2 years practicing



About Hayden

Hayden's face

I am a dynamic and versatile creative professional with a vibrant blend of technical expertise and artistic flair. With a toolbox filled with skills as diverse as WordPress, PHP coding, Unity game development, Blender 3D modeling, and the fine art of orchestration, I am a unique fusion of an artist and a technologist.

I am a proud alumnus of the Australian Film, Television and Radio School (AFTRS), where I honed my craft in storytelling and narrative creation. This training coupled with my knack for integrating cutting-edge technology into my work, I possess the ability to craft compelling stories, be it for a video game, a website, or an animated short.

My unyielding passion for storytelling, nurtured by my diverse range of skills, has allowed me to seamlessly blend different realms of art and technology. I revel in creating immersive story-driven experiences, whether it's through game logic, creative writing, or a symphony of sounds. As a digital artist, I love crafting intricate 3D models in Blender, adding dimensions of realism, and breathing life into my creations. My proficiency in Unity comes into play when I set the stage for these characters to live and interact in their own world, defining the logic that drives their actions and reactions.

In my world, code is not merely a tool for functionality; it is a medium for expression. My skills in WordPress and PHP have enabled me to create web experiences that are not only intuitive and user-friendly but also infused with a narrative that keeps the audience engaged. My orchestration skills offer another string to my bow. The power of music is not lost on me; I use it to underscore the emotional tone of my creations, adding layers of depth and complexity to the overall narrative.

I'm not just a coder. I am not just a 3D artist. Nor a game developer. Or a musician for that matter.

I am a storyteller – a weaver of narratives across various platforms and mediums. My passion is all about integrating technology and art to tell tales the likes of which have yet to be seen. And as I continue on this path, I am excited about the new stories waiting to be written, the characters waiting to be born, and the worlds waiting to be explored.