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Hayden Falzon






A Jack of all trades is a master of none, but that is oft times better than a master of one.


I still remember the first time I started using Blender. I had a dream, you see, to create a movie. Looking back, it’s astonishing to see just how far down this rabbit hole I’ve gone.

But I digress.

The goal was to make a movie, and it took me a full two weeks just to learn how to move the cube. The rest, as they say, is history.

From that humble cube, I’ve evolved to master more complex forms and functions. Creating animations, adding textures, playing with lighting – each new skill was a thrill to acquire. Despite the countless hours, the struggles and the technical hiccups, my passion for 3D modeling never wavered.

Fast forward to today, and I would consider myself one of the more confident, albeit, hidden blender users out there. Each new project is another exciting adventure, another step deeper into this rabbit hole I’ve come to love.

Who would’ve thought that moving a simple cube could lead to such an enriching journey? And it is a passion I love to share with others. Which has been one reason that I have been teaching students for a few years, this wondrous software. As I know how difficult it can be to learn.

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